24 We are not born for bondage, our souls are proud and free. ʿAmr ibn Kulthūm then strides forth, gently taking his mother’s hand in his left, while firmly grasping the sword in his right. ʿAmr ibn Hind’s mother rushes onto the scene. Confronted with the sight of her slain son, she lets out a piercing scream and strikes her face in grief. Meanwhile, at the forefront of the courtyard, ʿAmr ibn Kulthūm, unshaken, continues to recite his verse with a tone of defiant pride, saying: O Ma’add tribes, when gazing at our tents so high, In open plains, their presence fills the sky, We, bearers of true hospitality’s light, Yet fierce and unyielding in the battle’s fight. Whatever we seek to hold and firmly keep,