41 Regarding their power and indomitable spirit, the Arabs have long stood as neighbors to your forefathers. These forebears, who conquered myriad lands, established realms of kingship, and commanded vast legions, never once harbored a desire to dominate or aspired to invade the Arabs. The fortresses of the Arabs are not built of stone but are the steadfast backs of their noble steeds. The earth serves as their bed, the heavens their canopy. Their shields are not mere barriers of metal but the tempered steel of their swords. Their truest armor is the resilience of their patience. Meanwhile, the might of other nations is anchored in edifices of stone and clay, and in islands surrounded by the vast, unyielding seas. In the realm of beauty and the luster of their countenances, the Arabs hold a distinction that is undeniable. Their grace and allure surpass the features of the Indians and slim Chinese, eclipse