Al-Ḥīra Assembly

57 As rain to drought, thy clarity doth bring, In tempest’s heart, thou art the rain-swept king. Al-Munakhkhal al-Yashkurī steps forward, his voice clear: “I, too, have verses of my own to share.” He recites, with a lyrical tone, he begins: In cups both small and grand, the wine I’ve sipped, Inebriated, o’er al-Khawarnaq, al-Sadīr I’m tipped. A lord of palaces, …… Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir, his tone laced with irritation, interjects: “What words are these you utter? Do you claim lordship over my palaces in al-Ḥīra?” Al-Munakhkhal al-Yashkurī, with a placating gesture, replies: