59 Al-Nābighah al-Ẓubyānī, with a tone of respect, replies: “O, King! There is nothing under the heavens that could keep me from attending to you. I heard troubling news of your grave illness following your return from Persia, which brought me here in haste to see you with my own eyes. Yet, the Ḥājib, ʿEṣām ibn al-Jarmī, barred my entry. In response to this, I composed a poem.” Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir, intrigued, urges: “Let me hear it.” Al-Nābighah al-Ẓubyānī then begins to recite: Did I not make an oath to thee, beseech thee tell, If the brave one lies on the bier, his final farewell? I seek not blame for wishing to see his face,