Al-Ḥīra Assembly

65 In the grand tapestry of life, the noblest elements ascend to the zenith. The pinnacle of mankind is embodied by their sovereigns, and amongst these monarchs, the greatest are those whose benevolence knows no bounds. The most cherished of times are those abundant in prosperity, and the crown of eloquence is worn by those who speak with unerring truth. In the realm of words and deeds, truth is a fortress, shielding from woes and strife. Lies, however, weave a treacherous path, leading to one’s downfall. Actions marred by malevolence stir the cauldron of discord and dispute. Steadfastness, though a path arduous and steep, is a noble way of life; while indecision, though easier to tread, leads but to uncertainty and drift. In the pursuit of wisdom, sound opinion is often obscured by the veils of personal desire.