Al-Ḥīra Assembly

72 well aware that I hold the power to ignite the flames of war or quench them, even at their fiercest peak. When the conflagration rages, its heat searing, its sparks erupting with fierce life, I command the battle: my spear its rudder, my sword its lightning, my battle cry its thunderous roar. I do not hesitate to traverse its tumultuous depths; rather, I dive into its churning currents, a vessel leading my cavalry to its very heart. I rain blood upon the battlefield, leaving its guardians as mere fodder for wild beasts and aged eagles.” Khosrow, turning to some Arabs who were present, asked “Is this indeed so?” They answered him sying: “His actions speak louder than his words.” Khosrow responded saying, “Never until this day have I encountered a delegation as steadfast,