73 nor emissaries as articulate and eloquent as these.” Following me was ʿAmr ibn al-Sharīd al-Sulamī. ʿAmr ibn al-Sharīd al-Sulamī stands up before Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir, and says: Standing before Khosrow, I said: “I am ʿAmr ibn al-Sharīd al-Sulamī. O King, may your mind be graced with contentment, and your reign perpetually bask in the glow of felicity. Let the ramifications of speech be deeply considered, the shapes of futures yet to unfold be wisely discerned. An excess of words often leads to weariness, while brevity brings forth clarity and fulfillment. Kings wield the scepter of exalted rank. Let my words resonate with significant consequence.