Al-Ḥīra Assembly

8 Strategically built on the periphery of this basin, the city of Ḥīra was established where the water’s reach ended, marking the edge of the lower area. The Arab Kingdom of Ḥīra, located in present-day Iraq, flourished for 494 years, spanning the period from 138 CE to 632 CE. It was initially established by the Āl Tanukh tribe, known as the Tanukhids, and was later governed by the Banu Lakhm tribe, or the Lakhmids. Both these tribes were branches of the larger Banu Qahtān group. The Tanukhids held power from 138 to 268 CE, after which the Lakhmids took over, ruling until 632 CE. A notable dynasty within the Lakhmids was the al-Manaẓira, from which emerged one of the most celebrated kings, al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir. His reign lasted from