Al-Ḥīra Assembly

84 I replied, “I am no seer; rather, I am one who stands ready to strike with my spear.” Khosrow then asked, “What would you do should an adversary come to strike from the side of your blinded eye?” I answered, “My back is no less formidable than my front. The loss of my eye was not a consequence of folly, but a testament to the demands of valor and bravery.” When I have finished, ʿAmr ibn Maʿdikarib al-Zubaydī stood up after me. ʿAmr ibn Maʿdikarib al-Zubaydī rises before Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir and says: In the measure of a man, his two smallest organs reveal his true worth: his heart, the seat of courage and conviction; and his tongue, the purveyor of wisdom and truth. The essence of