Al-Ḥīra Assembly

86 “I finished my speech, then I was followed by Al-Ḥārith ibn Dhālim al-Murrī.” Al-Ḥārith ibn Dhālim al-Murrī stands up and says to Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir: “O, King! in the distant past, the Banu Murrah tribe was involved in the killing of some Persian soldiers. With this in mind, I strategically positioned myself as the final speaker before Khosrow, anticipating the possibility that he might not listen to all of us. Additionally, I devised a plan where, if I were to address him, I would refrain from mentioning my name.” Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir: “And what did you say?” Al-Ḥārith ibn Dhālim al-Murrī said “Upon my stance before Khosrow, I forthwith declared: ‘Falsehood is the scourge of discourse, ingratiating