87 oneself a telltale sign of poor breeding, and the levity of a potentate stems from folly. Should we profess that our parley with you this day springs from mutual consent, and our acquiescence is born of joint harmony, it would neither be seemly for you to embrace such a claim, nor wise to rely upon it. Yet, it is our bounden duty to uphold the sanctity of pacts and honor the terms of covenants. Relations between us stand harmonious, save for any aversion or misstep that might arise from your side.’” Khosrow asked: “Who are you?” I said, “I am Al-Ḥārith ibn Dhālim.” Khosrow frowned and asked, “Ibn whom?” I answered, “I am Al-Ḥārith ibn Dhālim al-Murrī.” Khosrow said, “In the names of your forebears,