88 there lies an emblem of your fidelity’s shortfall, a propensity for duplicity, and an affinity for transgression.” In retort, I said, “Speaking truth often kindles ire. The essence of noble behaviour is cloaked in the guise of feigned disregard. True clemency is the virtue of the mighty; thus, let your actions mirror the dignity of your counsel.” Khosrow proclaimed, “Behold the youth of the people! This young man stands as the paragon among the Banu Murrah.” Al-Ḥārith ibn Dhālim al-Murrī returns to his place in the assembly of Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir. A brief moment of contemplative silence ensues. Breaking the silence, Al-Nuʿmān ibn al-Munẓir asks: “Then what happened