Alia and Essam A Poetic Play
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Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi Alia and Essam A Poetic Play Al-Qasimi Publications, 2021
Book Title: Alia and Essam A Poetic Play (Play) First published in 2015 in Arabic as “Alia wa Essam” by : Al-Qasimi Publications Author: Dr. Sultan bin Muhammad Al-Qasimi (United Arab Emirates) Publisher Name: Al-Qasimi Publications Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Edition: First Year of publication: 2021 © All rights reserved: Al-Qasimi publications Sharjah, United Arab Emirates ------------------------------------------ Translated from the Arabic by: Dr. Ahmed Ali ------------------------------- ISBN: 978-9948-469-51-3 Printing Permission: National Media Council, Abu Dhabi, UAE No. MC 01-03-4192526, Date: 05-08-2021 Printing: AL Bony Press- Sharjah, UAE Age Classification: E The age group that matches the content of the books was classified according to the age classification issued by the National Council for Media ---------------------------------------------- Al- Qasimi Publications, Al Tarfa, Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Road PO Box 64009 Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Tel: 0097165090000, Fax: 0097165520070 Email:
A l i a a n d E s s a m 5 CONTENTS Cast of Characters 7 Place 9 Scene I 11 Scene II 13 Scene III 19
A l i a a n d E s s a m 7 Cast of Characters • The Narrator • The Arabian Knights of the Rula Tribe • Alia • Essam • Essam’s Mother • Two Groups of Horsemen • Alia’s Father (Corpse)
A l i a a n d E s s a m 9 Place The Rula Tribe Quarters in the Desert between Hamat and Syria
A l i a a n d E s s a m 11 Scene I The camping site of the Arab Rula Tribe, a single black tent in the desert, not too far away from the audience. The narrator tells the tale of Alia and Essam. Tribesmen on their horses pass by the tent. Then appear young Alia and Essam driving their sheep to the grazing area. The Narrator: The Rula Arabs favour tents to palaces Hamat and Syria are their living quarters They mount their steeds in victorious conquests And live proudly as the bravest of fighters.
A l i a a n d E s s a m 12 Chasing their enemies is their passion One’s glory is in spear and arrow Fearless they march in a proud fashion They dread no road, wide or narrow. Only the orphans would behind stay With the newborn who need love and care. The tale I am narrating to you today Is about Alia and Essam whose breed is rare. As shepherds they grew, characters flawless Like true Arabs, not in the least clueless.
A l i a a n d E s s a m 13 Scene II Alia appears with her hijab on. Essam, a grown-up young man holds her hand. They both come to the front of the tent. The Narrator: There they come, hand in hand Love has joined their hearts together In the vigour of youth they both stand Their fate is tied, one to the other. The young woman has veiled her beauty She was a flower at blossom peak A bundle of joy, pride and modesty; Not a commodity for all to peek.
A l i a a n d E s s a m 14 And our Essam is a sight to behold Strong, proud, a true man of honour Made for greatness, he’s been told Look at his sword, he shakes it in valour. His mother has called on him today Let’s hear what she has to say. The Mother: Essam, my son, my pride and joy! Alia leaves. The Mother appears holding a sword and a shield. The Mother: How I longed for this day to come! Here, my son, take these as a foy. You’ve now grown brave and wise The whole tribe looks up to you But soon they will look in despise Respect and honour will be lost, too. Your father’s life would be in vain If his death you do not avenge.
A l i a a n d E s s a m 15 Go, my son, bring solace, end pain, Nothing is sweeter than revenge. Essam: My father? Murdered? Pray, do tell Who had dared, my father, to kill? A courageous man who never fell In battle, in raid, but betrayed still?! I swear by all that is mighty and holy My father’s enemy is now mine My patience is running thin and truly Do tell whom it was the treacherous swine! The Mother: Alia’s father is the vexing fiend Brought us misery, tears and sadness Take this sword, take this shield, Let the tribe behold and witness. The Narrator: Essam so hurriedly rode his mare, Left his mother; his heart so sad
A l i a a n d E s s a m 16 The pain was more than he could bear How could he kill his beloved’s dad?! But as fate will have it, he sees the man Riding a steed, running a course Away he was from kin and clan A worthy opponent on a mighty horse. A duel takes place to the side of the tent. The Narrator: Here are the fighters; their eyes meet They both could read each other’s mind The dust is raised under the horses’ feet Blows are thrown, front and behind Essam repeatedly his opponent stabbed Broke his bones with force and might Left him dead; his horse he grabbed. Home he went as he won the fight. He shouted: “Mother, the deed is done.” The mother comes hurriedly as she hears his voice.
A l i a a n d E s s a m 17 Essam: The deed is done; the deed is done. Alia appears next to her father’s corpse. She then rushes to Essam.
A l i a a n d E s s a m 19 Scene III The Narrator: Jubilant they were with revenge and win Then Alia arrived, with spirit defeated Her smile gone, her face bleeding, The same call she made and repeated: Alia crying: Essam …. The mother leaves and enters the tent. Alia: Essam, my love, my father is killed You must avenge him, you must do so
A l i a a n d E s s a m 20 You cannot leave my wish unfulfilled Who else can end my grief and sorrow? Essam: Sweetheart, revenge you soon will hear I will heal your aching heart You must not wail or shed a tear Your father’s killer I will tear apart. The Narrator: And before he uttered another word He pulled his sword, his heart he stabbed The scene was brutal and so absurd That Alia lost her mind and grabbed The same sword and tore her heart Shouting … Alia: …. Death will not do us part; Don’t leave my love, for me do wait In death we join our destined fate.
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