72 chch Qkfrek vkSj ckn'kkg ds csVs Along this coast of Asia are spread countless islands, the Maldive islands alone being over eleven thousand in number. Of the others, the principal is S. Lourenço [Madagascar], which is 287 leagues long, 95 wide and 782 in circumference. Another island is the rich and beautiful Taprobane, called Ceylon, which is 75 leagues long, 50 wide and 195 in circumference. The beautiful Aurea Chersoneso, called Sumatra, is 220 leagues long, 75 wide and 25 round. Both sides of Java are 271 leagues long, and of two other islands between there and Timor the first is 42 leagues long, 30 wide and 125 round, and Macassar is 145 leagues long and 320 in circumference. Seram together with Arnbon is 63 leagues long, 15 wide and 140 round; Borneo 175 leagues long and 460 round; Batochina [Halmahera] of the Moluccas 240 in circumference, and the Great Island of the Papuans, bordering New Guinea, is 125 leagues long. It lies 70 leagues east of Batjan, which is 20 leagues from Temate, in the north of what we call the Maluco. The two principal islands of Japan are 140 leagues long and six. – Documentos Remmetidos da Indos, (Livro das Moncoes), 1605-1651. – Faroughy, A., Histoire du Royaume dr Hormuz depuis son origine jusqu a son incorporation dans l empire person des SAfavis. Bruxelles, 1949. – HARTMANN O. S. A., Arnulf, The Augustinians in Golden Goa. A Manuscript by Felix of Jesus,O. S. A. Rome, 1968. (Sep. de Analecta Augustiniana, xxx). – Instrução particular de D. Filpe I a D. Francisco da Gama, vice-rei da lndia, Lisboa, 7 de Março de 1596. Necessidade de enviar alguém de qualidade ao rei da Pérsia para animálo a lutar contra os Turcos. Das vitórias que houve contra os Turcos em Hungria será feita uma relação que, traduzida em persa, será levada pelo embaixador português ao rei da Pérsia. Arquivo 1, fasc. 3, p. II, d. 208 AG: LM. IV, fols. 731v, 617r. – PORTUGUESE IN INDIA, Documentos remettidos da India (Livros da Monçoes) 1605-1651 I/3/121 1605-1607 Doc 17 1607 Jan 3. PORTUGUESE IN INDIA, Documentos remettidos da India (Livros da Monçoes) 1605-1651