Da'esh (ISIS) and Al Ghabra'a

D a ’ e s h ( I S I S ) a n d A l G h a b r a ’ a 13 Hamal Ben Badr: Good morning, cousin. Qays Ben Zuheir: What a lovely horse it is!! Hamal Ben Badr: That’s Al Ghabraa… the unbeatable mare, never lost a race. Qays Ben Zuheir: I believe she cannot beat Dahes. Hamal Ben Badr: You bet? Qays Ben Badr: you name it. Hamal Ben Badr: A hundred camels go to the one who wins the race. Qays Ben Zuheir: I bet! Hamal Ben Badr: Agree? Qays Ben Zuheir: We’ve got a deal here.