D a ’ e s h ( I S I S ) a n d A l G h a b r a ’ a 17 The jockey: I was in the lead, but some people from the Dhubyanis were hiding alongside the road and they distracted the horse to let Al Ghabraa win the race. This is treason, treachery, and deceit. Narrator: Hudayfa Ben Badr Al Dhubyani Scolded him saying: Hudayfa Ben Badr: O Qays Ben Zuheir, you’re the ones who are notoriously known for treachery and deceit.” Narrator: Huzdayfa rushes barefacedly toward Qays Ben Zuheir repeatedly shouting: Qays Ben Zuheir: “You are the ones who are notoriously known for treachery and deceit… Known for treachery and deceit.” Qays Ben Zuheir: “Step back, Hudayfa Ben Badr.” Narrator: But Huzdayfa insists on challenging Qays Ben Zuheir,