Da'esh (ISIS) and Al Ghabra'a

D a ’ e s h ( I S I S ) a n d A l G h a b r a ’ a 20 While the Call was carried on … The swords are pulled up then dropped back into dust and men rush to kneel down on their swords. As the call for prayers was over, these men turned their garments as well as their head covers to the white side. They abandoned their swords and headed directly to Qebla (the direction of Ka’baa in Mecca) to start praying. They hold their hands up in supplication to pray. All men: Allahu Akbar (God is greater) Subhan Allah (I declare the perfection of Allah from early morning to late afternoon. (till the end of the prayer). A voice interrupting the prayer: The Voice: O people, Prophet Muhammed (Peace be Upon him) says: “It is not one of us who fights fanatically for his clan, It is not one of us who fights for his biases, It is not one of us who dies embracing these biases.”