Oman's History: From Ancient Settlements to the Fall of the Ibadi State

151 ó«``°TQ á«Hô©dG ¤EG ¬∏≤f , »Yƒ``°ù«dG ÚJôe ÜC’G , ¿É``æÑd ï``jQÉJ -11 , Ω1889 , ¿ÉæÑd , ähÒ``H , Ú«Yƒ``°ù«dG AÉHB’G á©Ñ£e , …Qƒ``ÿG .12¢U ¢ùjó≤dG á©Ñ£e , …óæaCG Ö«ÑM áªLôJ , Ò¡°ûdG ¢ùJhOhÒg ïjQÉJ -12 . 12 ¢U , ∫hC’G ó∏éŸG , Ω1886 , ¿ÉæÑd , ähÒH , ¢Sƒ«LQhÉL . 467 ¢U , ≥HÉ°ùdG Qó°üŸG -13 , OɪàY’G á©Ñ£e , ¿ƒ``°ùæØdh π«FGô``°SEG , á«eÉ``°ùdG äɨ∏dG ïjQÉJ -14 .14 ,10-9¢U, Ω1926 , ô°üe , IôgÉ≤dG .21-12¢U , ≥HÉ°ùdG Qó°üŸG -15 16- The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia, MAGEE P. , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2014. 17- In the Shadow of the Ancestors: The Prehistoric Foundations of the Early Arabian Civilization in Oman, Cleuzio S & Tosi M, 2007, - The Archaeology of Prehistoric Arabia, MAGEE P. , Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, UK, 2014.