The Biography of the Sultans of Kilwa

64 Ali ibn Tāher was the Chief of the Sharifs of Aden. There, he suffered great injustices with submission and unwillingness to ght back. Instead, he left Aden and took residence in the holy city of Mecca as a pilgrim and an immigrant. In his journey, he was accompanied by Sharif Ali ibn Suān, of the Tabībāt. He had also been subjected to the same injustices as Ali. They both arrived in Mecca and after nishing the rites of their Hajj and Umra, they decided to travel to Medina to visit the Mosque and grave of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) there. In Medina, they approached those in charge of the service of the prophet’s grave and requested if they could be allowed to join the service. This, they were granted. After a period of time in their service work, Ali