222 - The Portuguese In India being a History of The Rise and Decline of their Eastern Empire, by: Frederick Charles Danvers, of Her Majesty’s Indian (Home) Civil Service, London, W. H. Allen & CO., Limited, 1894, - The Travels of Pedro Teixeira; with his “Kings of Hormuz”, and extracts from his “Kings of Persia”, Translated and annotated by Donald Ferguson, London, printed for the Hakluyt Society, - The Voyage of Francois Pyrard of Laval to The East Indies, The Maldives, The Moluccas and Brazil, Translated into English from the third French edition of 1619, and edited, with notes, by: Albert Gray, Formerly of the Ceylon civil service, Assisted, by H. C. P. Bell, of the Ceylon civil service, in two volumes. – vol. II, part II, London, Printed for the Hakluyt Society, 4, Lincoln’s Inn Fields, W.C, M.DCCC.XC, - Vida e Acções de Matias de Albuquerque, capitão e vizo-rei do Estado da Ĭndia, Primeira e segunda parte. Em que se contam todas suas acções e as dos insignes feitos que se obraram na memorável tomada do Morro de Chaùl, Tresladado no ano de 1749. 164 fols. Entrada de Matias de Albuquerque na Fortaleza de Ormuz e obras que aí aordena. Levantamento na Fortaleza da estátua de Afonso de Albuquerque, seu tio, mandada «fazer em Goa, de pedra, figurada com óleos … com a mão direita nos punhos da