
N I MR O D 11 Thirdly: The Book of Rolls, a manuscript found in Sinai dating back to the first century after Christ, states that Nimrod had lived in a different time period from that of Ibrahim’s. Based on this information we find that Nimrod had lived in the same timeframe as Shelah, as Nimrod’s daughter married to the son of Shelah. The question remains as to where prophet Ibrahim and Nimrod are mentioned in conjunction? Consulting the book of Heggada written by a group of Jews in the third century, prophet Ibrahim is mentioned to have met with Nimrod, however this source fails to reference historical content from the Torah and the Bible. Muslim historians state the following in their books: 1. In Ibn Kathir’s book Early Days, historian Emad Eddin Abol Fidaa Ismail bin Amr bin Kathir discusses the debate around prophet Ibrahim’s presence with Nimrod. His view is based on interpreters alluding to this encounter, and he mentions how Qatada ibn Di'ama, Ismail ibn Abd al-Rahman Suddi and Mohamed bin Ishak refer to this debate to have taken place between prophet Ibrahim and Nimrod. 2. In The Complete History book, the author