
N I MR O D 22 Dahhak enters the stage with his former dress: Dahhak: You call me coward when you are a killer of women and children? Dahhak charges at Nimrod with a spear, but Nimrod evades the spear with his whip and hits Dahhak with an iron rod which took him down, Nimrod then presses his foot onto Dahhak’s neck and orders his soldiers to tighten his handcuffs: Nimrod: Soldiers, tighten his handcuffs and bring him before me. Having tightened his handcuffs, the soldiers bring Dahhak before Nimrod. Nimrod takes off the snake-headed bulges on Dahhak’s shoulders, which turn out to be the tips of thick ropes. Nimrod laughs as he handles each piece of rope and says: Nimrod: These are the two serpents you scare people with? Put him inside the cave.. (points to the cave on one side of the stage) Block the entrance and let him die inside.