
N I MR O D 30 Third applicant: Nimrod is my lord. Herein the treasury official enters in a hurry, kneels down in prostration, then straightens up in a seated position, addressing Nimrod: Treasury official: Oh great lord, thousands of people are gathered outside of the palace, and the food is not enough for all of them. How would we provide food for the armies?! Construction expert: Ohgreat lord.. Iamexperienced in construction, I will build you a great tower from which you may reach the layers of the heavens. As for the people, they can work in construction and be paid for their efforts. This will alleviate the famine. Nimrod: That is right.. Good idea.. Go ahead construction expert, and we will provide you with the money for building the tower.. Let’s call it the Tower of Babel. Everyone is then ordered to facilitate the expert’s mission.