
N I MR O D 46 One of the group of citizens (A): So, you are a god!! Nimrod: I am no god.. I wish the mosquitos had eaten me.. A mosquito made it through my nose and ended up in my brain. Hit me on the head until the mosquito is out.. Hit me on the head.. Oh my head, my head!! Everyone from both groups start hitting Nimrod with both hands, one after the other.. And then they beat him with slippers. Some of them hit Nimrod on his neck.. But Nimrod points to his head and says: Nimrod: Here.. Here.. The pain subsides when I am hit on the head. Someone stands facing the audience beyond the stage, and shouts: One of the group of citizens (A): Let whoever wants to take revenge against Nimrod come! Nimrod (crying): Beat me on the head.. Beat me on the head.. The number increases, each one holding a slipper, and beats Nimrod on his head.