The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 18 Abullah ibn al-Mu‘taz. O, people of Baghdad! Let it be known to all, present or absent, that this day Muhammad ibn Da’ud is the appointed Vizir,[1] Ali ibn Eissa is the Chief of the Diwans,[2] and Ahmad ibn Da’ud is the Supreme Judge. O, people of Baghdad! Let it be known to all. Those present should inform those who are not … As the calls are made, enters al-Sayyida, mother of al-Muqtadir. Her appearance, clothes and walk inspire awe. She looks worried and concerned as if she is expecting an important event. She looks one time from the window and another at the entrance door. With every new call she hears, she places her hands on her ears so that she does hear the caller. When the calls disappear, she looks up and raises her arms in supplication. Al-Sayyida: O, my Lord! I pray to you. You are the One capable of all things. Have mercy upon us. O, my Lord. My son is very young. He is barely 13 years of age. My Lord! He has not been a Caliph three months and since then we have been afflicted with hardships, one after the other. My Lord! His young aching heart cannot take it! 1- Visir or Wazir was then the highest-ranking official in the State, acting as the Caliph’s aide and adviser, and under him would the Chief of the Diwans (Government Agencies) similar to Prime Minister today. 2- See note above on visir/wazir.