The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 19 Knocking on the door is heard. Al-Sayyida (shouting for her maids): Qahramana Thumal, … Qahramana Thumal. Thumal: Yes, my Lady Al-Sayyida: Check who’s at the door. Thumal goes then returns with a wide smile on her face. Thumal: My Lady! My Lady! Nasr, the Hajib,[1] says Abullah ibn al-Mu‘taz has fled. Al-Sayyida: al-Hamdu-Lilah! al-Hamdu-Lilah! (May Allah be praised). Al-Sayyida (addressing Thumal): Thumal, hurry up and get your Master, Caliph alMuqtadir, out of his hiding place. Al-Sayyida walks about in the hall until Caliph alMuqtadir is brought in. 1- Hajib is the person who announces the Caliph’s visitors before they enter the court.