The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 34 One of the Commanders comes in. Saqlabi: The Master wants to have a word with you. Saqlabi directs the Commander to the bathroom door. When the Commander steps in, Saqlabi stabs him in the back. The Commander groans in pain and falls dead. (Saqlabi heads back to the middle of the majlis with the knife in his hand behind his back, and calls for the fourth Commander) Saqlabi: Commander! Commander! One of the Commanders comes in. Saqlabi: The Master wants to have a word with you. Saqlabi directs the Commander to the bathroom door. When the Commander steps in, Saqlabi stabs him in the back. The Commander groans in pain and falls dead. (Saqlabi heads back to the middle of the majlis with the knife in his hand behind his back, and calls for the fifth Commander)