The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 35 Saqlabi: Commander! Commander! The fifth Commanders comes in. Saqlabi: The Master wants to have a word with you. Saqlabi directs the Commander to the bathroom door. As he looks down at the floor, he sees bloodstains. He looks into the bathroom as he approaches it and sees the slaughtered bodies, one on top of the other. Saqlabi tries to attack the Commander and push him into the bathroom, but he was much stronger. A fight between them ensues and as they fight, the Commander loudly shouts: Fifth Commander: Sa‘id! Sulaiman! The servant has skilled your father. Guards, the servant has killed your Master! Everyone, the servant has killed the Commanders! The guards and the courtiers come in. Saqlabi is caught and his hands are tied behind his back. His legs are tied, too. He is pushed to the ground in the