The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 37 Sulaiman, Abu Taher: Yes, Sa‘id. Sa‘id: Move my father’s body together with the bodies of the Commanders to the side room. A man comes in bringing the pincers, and gives them to Sa‘id. Sa‘id (to the guards): Remove the clothes of the Saqlabi Servant. Sa‘id (holding the pincers and addressing Saqlabi): I will tear your body to pieces with these pincers. Sa‘id starts tearing the body with the pincers while he says: Piece by piece. Piece by piece. Piece by piece. The Saqlabi servant screams in agony. Sa‘id continues while throwing each piece of flesh on the stage, right and left. Sa‘id : Piece by piece. Piece by piece. Piece by piece. Curtains close