T h e B l a c k S t o n e 51 (Abu Taher, the Qaramatian, raises Zakariyya on a high seat) and says: We are all your obedient servants! The command is yours! You have power over us all. Abu Taher and his men start picking dust and throwing it on their heads while repeating: Our Lord! Our Lord. Our Lord! Abu Taher: Know all people that the Proof has come to being; it is nothing less than the religion of our father, Adam, himself. Any religion we belonged to before now is false. Everything the preachers had said is also false. Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, are all false. The true religion is that of Adam; the rest are all lying imposters. So, curse them all. The group (as they walk round the seat): May they be cursed. May they be cursed. May they be cursed. Abul-Fadl Zakariyya: O, people! I decree that you no longer need to pray or fast. I make permissible sodomy, incest, and alcohol. I command that in this town you establish four houses, one in each direction. These woul be