T h e B l a c k S t o n e 56 You caused your status and high esteem to diminish before everyone! Abu Taher, the Qaramatian: I was told that the Awaited Mahadi has appeared, and that he has had complete control over the people of Hajar. So, I rushed back from Rhaba and relinquished my plans to conquer Ramla and Damasus. As I arrived and saw him, I was so scared that he might turn me into a freak or a monster. The fear got the better of and, I acted that way only to appease him. Muhammad Sanbar: Did you know that Abul-Fadl Zakariyyah is not even a Muslim and that he is from Isfahan? Abu Taher, the Qaramatian: What? He’s not a Muslim? Muhammad Sanbar: Did you not know that he is the one who killed your brother-in-law, Abu Hafs al-Sharik ibn Zarqan? He also killed your nephew, Hafs! Abu Taher, the Qaramatian: Wait! Wait! Hold on! Mother! Furjah! Um Sa‘id! Come, come. Furjah enters (saying): Yes, my son!