The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 57 Abu Taher, the Qaramatian: Come! Come and listen to what Muhammad Sanbar is saying. He says Abul-Fadl Zakariyyah is not a Muslim and that he killed you son-in-law, Abu Hafs al-Sharik ibn Zarqan, and your grandson, Hafs, too. Furjah: May Allah curse him. Muhammad Sanbar (addressing Abu Taher, the Qaramatian): And he raped your sister! Furjah (screaming): O, my Lord! What a disaster! Abu Taher smacks his head with his hands and groans in pain. Muhammad Sanbar (addressing Abu Taher, the Qaramatian): And now he is bent on killing you. Abu Taher: It will be I, who will kill him! Muhammad Sanbar: How are you going to kill him when he is