The Black Stone

T h e B l a c k S t o n e 58 surrounded by his guards in the court outside your house? Abu Taher: We trick him to come in. Muhammad Sanbar: How? Abu Taher (pensively): Yes, how? How? He then turns to his mother and says: Mother! I will trick this criminal to come in so that he may enter the house without his guards. When he is in, we’ll kill him. Do not be scared, mother! Just calm down! (Directing his speech to Muhammad Sanbar) You go to him Muhammad Sanbar and say: ‘Our Lord and Master! Furjah, Abu Taher’s mother, has died. We would like you to come, open her up and fill her guts with charcoal as you had prescribed for us to do with the dead.’ I will make my mother lie here under the covers, pretending to be dead, Muhammad Sanbar leaves. Abu Taher’s sister enters. Abu Taher’s sister: I heard everything.