T h e B l a c k S t o n e 59 Abu Taher (angrily to his sister): Shame on you! Get out of my sight! Furjah: Please, do not scold her. She had been raped. She told me all about it. Abu Taher (addressing his mother): Here! Lie down. I will cover you. Do not move. (Furjah lies down on the floor. Abu Taher covers her with a sheet while the sister walks out, saying): Abu Taher’s sister: He must be killed. He must be killed. He must be killed. (The mother raises her head and says): He must be killed. He must be killed. (Abu Taher pushes her head down). Knocking on the door. Abu Taher opens the door. Abul-Fadl Zakariyya enters with Muhammad Sanbar. Abu Taher prostrates and addresses Abul-Fadl: Abu Taher: My Lord! My Lord! Then he sobs and cries loudly.