T h e B l a c k S t o n e 62 Sa‘id: My sister told me everything. Abul-Fadl Zakariyya (screaming): Guards! Guards! Sa‘id slits the throat of Abul-Fadl Zakariyya whose blood flows on the ground and he drops dead. Loud knocking on the door with voices shouting: Open the door! (Knocking) Open the door! Muhammad Sanbar: It’s the gurads. Abul Fadl’s guards. Abu Taher (addressing Muhammad Sanbar): Throw them some money! Hurry! The sister: Cut his tummy open and pull his liver out. Let me chew on it! (Sa‘id cuts Abul-Fadl Zakariyya open. Abu Taher and Muhammad Sanbar throw money from the window to keep the guards outside busy. They repeat: Throw them money. Silence them with money. Throw them money. Silence them with money. Curtains close