The Book of Allah: A Play on The Conflict between Light and Darkness

T h e B o o k o f A l l a h 21 Scene Four The same hall as in the previous scene. The men at the table are extending their arms on it, resting their heads and sleeping. The spotlights on the Qur’an copy are off. A voice is heard reciting a verse from the Qur’an: All, the Almighty says: “And so they were succeeded by a posterity who completely neglected their salah (daily prayers) and followed their lusts. Consequently, they will meet evil.” Into the hall comes a group of Żalāmis (Followers of the Darkness), dressed in black unitards that leave only their eyes uncovered. in all directions they jump and cackle like crows. They jump on the table and climb on top of one another to reach the Qur’an