The Book of Allah: A Play on The Conflict between Light and Darkness

T h e B o o k o f A l l a h 22 copy hanging from the ceiling. The one at the top snatches it and shouts: “O, Commander of Darkness, here is the book of Allah. Take it and judge with it.” The Commander of Darkness takes the copy and says: “First, throw these imposters who claim to be Muslim, out of here.” Each Żalāmi pulls a Nūrāni out of the hall. Then, they return and sit at the table where the Commander of Darkness is sitting at the top. They ask him: ‘O, Commander of Darkness, what is your decision about the captives we have?’ The Commander of Darkness: “Behead them with a Cleaver.” Some of them leave, and then return, each driving in front of them a prisoner and grabbing them by the hair. They start the beheading while joyously screaming. One of them asks: “O, Commander of Darkness, what do we do with the female captives?