
Tu r g u t 18 look more like a military Commander. Why do they call you a pirate? Turgut: I was born in Saravalos, Turkey, in 1485. We are in 1540 now. So, I am now in my 56th year. My village overlooked the sea, and since my early childhood, I have been infatuated by the sea. When I was about 7 or 8, I learnt shooting, wrestling and fencing with the sword. I used to rush to the sea every time I saw a ship coming or passing. I would then jump into the water as if trying to catch up with it or hug it. It was later that I joined one of the pirate ships where I learned the naval arts. Afterwards, I bought a ship which I used to chase our enemies. As it was getting dark, Turgut execuses himself. Turgut (to the port director): Please do not forget to supply us with water, vegetables and fruit very early in the morning. We will be sailing away at the early hours. They all leave the stage, each from the direction they had come in from. -Blackout-