
Tu r g u t 52 Admiral Andrea Doria looks in total shock. They are all in awe and the look of terrible disappointment shows on their faces. The commanders repeat: Turgutisinmid-sea?How? How is that possible? Maltease Commander (tryingtohidehisreluctance): He attacked us and we hardly escaped from him. Admiral Andrea Doria (in a state of frighted fury): Santa Maria! Santa Maria! Turgut is mid-sea! This is impossible. How did he manage this? Admiral Andrea Doria (pointing at the port in disbelief): He is over there; stuck with his ships. (Addressing the Maltease Commander with a tone of doubt): You must have seen the ships of one else. Maltease Commander: No. No. I know Turgut’s ships very well. I also saw his flag with my own eyes raised on the masts. Andrea Doria asks: How many ships does he have?