Tu r g u t 62 The Hajib: Admiral Giannandrea Doria of Genoa, son of the renowned Commander Giannettino Doria, being Commander of the naval forces. A young man in his twenties stands up to greet the attendees, then he sits down. The Hajib: Representative of Malta. A man stands up to greet the attendees then he sits down. The Hajib: The Commander of the forces of Sicily. A man stands up to greet the attendees then he sits down. The Hajib: There are no representatives for Venice or France. However, their forces are with us in secret. (A silent moment) The Hajib: The Grand Master of the Order of Malta, Jean de la Valette, is here to honour, bless and participate in the campaign. He used to be the Governor of Tripoli before the Turks seized it. A man dressed like a priest stands up.