
Referencje Arabskie i Tureckie: 1. Ahmad bin Abi al-Diyaf, Ithaf ahl al-zaman bi-akhbarMulukTuniswaAhdal-Aman.Tahqiq: Committee of the State Department for Cultural Affairs, State Department for Cultural Affairs, Tunis 1963. 2. Dokumenty związane z działalnością Tutguta zamieszczone w źródłach osmańskich, Denizler Kahramani, Turgut Reis, Gamlica. 3. Piri Reis. 2002. Kitab-1 Bahriya, or "Book of the Sea". Republic of Turkey, Prime Ministry, Undersecretaryship of Navigation, Ankara, 2002. 4. Dr Ismail Hakki Uzunçarsil, Ottoman History, 79